How Often Should an HOA Board Meet? - AR Management Company
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How Often Should an HOA Board Meet?

How Often Should an HOA Board Meet?
  • February 1, 2022
  • Blog

Here’s How Often an HOA Board Should Meet

As an HOA board member, ensuring your community is operating efficiently is essential. One easy way to do so is to hold HOA meetings in accordance with your governing documents and state law. This helps keep the board and members informed and involved in what’s happening in the community. 

If you’re wondering how often an HOA board should meet, here are five types of meetings to know. 

5 Types of HOA Meetings

Board Meeting

The most common meeting held within an HOA is the board meeting. Here, the board of directors and members meet to discuss an agenda of topics that revolve around the day-to-day management of the community. These meetings are typically held either monthly or quarterly and must have minutes recorded. Members will be notified of the meetings in advance, giving them ample time to prepare. Allowing members to send questions in advance helps board members proactively address issues that are top-of-mind in the community.

Annual Meeting

Each year, an HOA board will hold an “annual meeting” to discuss community-related matters. Members and the board will discuss notable matters from the previous year, including milestone achievements, the annual budget, and pressing issues. 

During the meeting, minutes are tracked and a record is kept on what was discussed. Members can also vote on new changes and elect new board members. Like board meetings, members must be notified of the meeting in advance. This allows them to come well-prepared for the meeting to discuss community matters. 

Executive Session

Unlike the board meeting and annual meeting, the executive session is solely for the board of directors. Within the session, the board will discuss confidential legal matters, review project proposals, and private topics. To remain transparent with the community, the board can report that the meeting was held to review matters such as contract negotiations for new vendors.

Committee Meeting

Committee meetings in an HOA are held to discuss particular matters in the community. You’ll find there are various committees within an association, including a landscaping committee and a safety committee. 

These committees hold periodic meetings to discuss topics relating to their subset like landscaping, architectural, and social. They’ll discuss the progress being made by their committee, address any issues, and find solutions to their problems. Committee meetings are very similar to board meetings in that they must provide members ample time to prepare and record minutes. 

Emergency Session 

When an emergency session is held within an HOA, it’s typically due to an immediate and unforeseen circumstance that needs to be addressed. These sessions are rare and only arise when boards must respond quickly and efficiently to solve a pressing emergency such as a natural disaster. 

Professional Management Services for Community Associations

AR Management works closely with the HOA board to ensure their goals are achieved and board meetings are productive. We provide training to newly elected board members to help make their transition into their elected positions easier. Contact us today to schedule a consultation online or by calling us at 973-398-6609.

AR Management Company