3 Ways HOAs are Helping Aging Residents
This ‘senior boomer generation’ understands that a home’s value is found in the length of years one can remain in the same house in the same community. With that understanding, many ‘senior boomers’ are opting to age with grace in their well-established place of an HOA planned community. This presents the HOA Board of Trustees the challenge to have the courage to change what needs to change to sustain the same quality of HOA community life.
The HOA management team of AR Management provides three essential ways HOA communities can assist its growing population of aging residents:
Community Amenities for All
One issue with aging residents is ‘less pep in the step.’ Members of the board should be well acquainted with the Federal, State, and Local laws with regards to Americans with Disabilities, to avoid legal liability issues. There should be handicapped curbing at corners for ease of those with canes, walkers, wheelchairs, an adequate amount of wider handicapped-accessible parking spaces, and doorways to association offices that open wide and automatically.
Beyond the legal aspects of age accommodation, HOA’s should consider such practical changes as replacing landscaped areas of grass, shrubs, and gardens surrounding the pool area with asphalt to allow aging residents to park cars in closer proximity to the pool. Also, re-consider the quaintness of cobblestone pathways that brings anxiety to ‘unsteady’ feet, and provide ample benches along walkways.
Consider Policy Changes
Keeping wisdom in mind, remember the older resident may be on a ‘fixed’ and limited income, as well as being limited in what work they can do in maintaining their cherished home. If mowing and raking in an HOA community of various ages is not part of the common area maintenance, consider allowing older residents to share the expense of one contracted landscaper to do the mowing, raking, and snow shoveling.
Budgeting for Fun
A quality HOA community should strive to connect older homeowners with the new, younger homeowners by budgeting for such ‘extra’ fun events as a community fair, community ‘flea market,’ art shows, and concerts as a way of keeping older community members connected to the community. Of course, maintaining social distancing requirements for the safety of HOA members.
Establishing a community that is safe, comforting, and reliable for all its members will always be the goal for AR Management. If you’re looking for ways to improve the conditions in your HOA – contact us today!