3 Strategies to Make Board Communication Clear
It is not what is said; it is how it is said. The consequence of poor communication between the HOA board and the homeowners of an HOA community can lead to residents taking matters to their own hands to ‘inform’ neighbors with rumors, half-truths, and ‘good old-fashioned gossip.’ Naturally, the initial ‘buzz-word’ gets twisted and turned until the entire community is enveloped in a full-blown spiraling tornado of half-truths, rumors, and gossip, which decimates all truth as well as trust, and the true meaning of community: COMMON UNITY!
The above metaphor describes the results of ineffective board communication. AR Management understands the importance of open and honest communication to ensure homeowners come to trust their elected board members who are responsible for community policies, regulations, HOA fee assessments, and the annual budget that maintains all aspects of an HOA planned community.
Communication Consistency
Rumors, half-truths, and gossip are immediately put to an end when homeowners understand how to find the facts on any community issue. Consider printing a 12-month community calendar containing the dates for board meetings prominently circled. Place the website address and association e-mail on each page of the calendar.
Distribute the board agenda to all homeowners in advance of scheduled meetings. Send an e-mail invite, post notice on the community website, and the community bulletin board. Similarly, after the board meeting, post the meeting minutes on the community website and post a bulletin board notice of where meeting minutes can be obtained. Noteworthy is that this means of board communication be consistent.
Keeping Resident Contact Info Updated
Make it a priority to have an updated list of contact information for homeowners, especially email addresses. It is essential to keep all residents ‘in-the-know’ of significant community news happenings, so current email address and phone numbers are important to have.
Having a professional ‘GO-TO’ Association Representative
The ‘go-between’ of board and homeowner is a professional HOA manager, at the ready to explain any questions on board policy, quell rumors with official documents, and address any complaints or issues homeowners may have.
If your HOA could use some better communication practices, AR Management can help.